IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP>MOD Why use Job-Id instead of Job-URI for Jobs?

Re: IPP>MOD Why use Job-Id instead of Job-URI for Jobs?

Jim Walker (walker@dazel.com)
Tue, 09 Sep 1997 15:40:39 -0500

Some comments on these IPP<->LPD gateway discussions...

... I agree with Scott that the gateway between IPP and legacy
systems should *not* be the driving force behind our design.

... There seems to be a base assumption that mapping a from a
LPD job identifier (integer) to an IPP job URL is a difficult
problem. I would assert that it is not. We have a gateway
that has been in existence for four years now that solves this
exact problem: it maps from the LPD job identifiers to an opaque
printer-independent job identifier.

And folks, it wasn't that hard to do.


Jim Walker <walker@dazel.com>
System Architect/DAZEL Wizard
DAZEL Corporation, Austin, TX