IPP Mail Archive: IPP> ADM - minutes of 10/22 Phone Conference

IPP> ADM - minutes of 10/22 Phone Conference

Steve Zilles (szilles@Adobe.COM)
Wed, 22 Oct 1997 14:59:28 -0800

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

The minutes of the phone conference on Oct 22 are attached.
Steve Zilles

Content-Type: text/plain; name="MinutesPhoneConf.97.10.22.txt"; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MinutesPhoneConf.97.10.22.txt"

Phone Meeting, October 22, 1PM PDT.
(minutes taken by Steve Zilles)

Ira McDonald
Tom Hastings
Bob Herriot
Peter Zehler
Roger deBry
Scott Isaacson
Don Wright
Steve Zilles
Jay Martin (late)


Discussed Carl-Uno's text:

Is Notification in scope?

Need to make it clear that the mechanism is out of
scope, but that the format of the message is in scope.

We should say the message SHOULD be human readable; the
problem with this is that the experience with
PostScript error messages has shown that machines will
begin to parse and use the "human readable" messages
and we will be stuck with them forever.

Resolved (Unanimous): Remove the Notification
mechanism, including the two attributes, "notifiy-
events" and "notify-addresses", from the Model Draft
and begin work on a separate document to define IPP
Notification. The removed attributes would be
registered using the IPP extension mechanism when a
suitable interoperable draft exists.

Range of attribute syntaxes:

Resolved (Unanimous): the proposed text fix (re: full
range) for 5.2.5 will be adopt and similar text for 5.1
will be added as well.

Bob Herriot will clean up Protocol document re description
of xxx-attributes-tags.

Scott will call Paul and Sylvan re:
Why does the protocol allows 1, 2 and 4 byte integers?
Most things are now 4 byte.

Relationship between the Printer MIB and Job MIB and IPP

Resolved (Unanimous): that the relationship between the
Printer MIB and Job MIB and IPP will be described in a
separate I-D authored by Harry Lewis and Tom Hastings.

This action was taken to reduce dependencies between
documents with different progression rates. it should
not in any way be interpreted as indicating that these
documents are not important; the document is very

Ira will do a separate draft of the IANA message with the
registration of the application/ipp Media type and send it
to the mailing.

Scott is targetting Friday for an new draft of the Model
document; he is only awaiting text from Steve Zilles re
handling of proceesing attributes.

Bob has issued a version a week ago; a new version is
needed to describe the Internationalization changes, the
description of xxx-attributes-tag and notification changes.
This draft is targeted for Friday.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 PDT.
