IPP Mail Archive: IPP> MOD - Updated Section 15.3 from Bob, Scott, Roger, Tom

IPP> MOD - Updated Section 15.3 from Bob, Scott, Roger, Tom

Tom Hastings (hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Mon, 1 Dec 1997 23:57:27 PST

I've posted the updated version of the algorithmic processing of all
operations, Section 15.3, and the additional steps for create in a new
Section 15.4. Part of the proposed changes resulted from simplifications
that we discovered when writing actual code. The Section 15.3 (and 15.4)
is written more like pseudo code:


The rev versions are revisions from the 11/07/97 Model document.
The .doc files are WORD 6.

The beginning of the document contains comments on the body of the Model
document that resulted from the re-written algorithm.

I've added explicit text for the suggestions that cover the body of the
Model in the beginning comments.

I'll bring copies of the noref.pdf to the IPP meeting Wednesday for all
attendees, in case you don't get to make your own copy before.
