IPP Mail Archive: IPP> Directory Schema attribute question - resolved

IPP> Directory Schema attribute question - resolved

Harry Lewis (harryl@us.ibm.com)
Thu, 11 Dec 1997 10:56:45 -0500

Sorry for the traffic. I think I resolved my question by reading sectio=
n 4.2
Job Template Attributes. It seems confusing, at first, but I guess not =
so much
once you get used to it. Just for readability and understanding, I'd pr=
efer if
we not use phrases like "The "xxx-default" default value attribute
describes...(the default)...". It's confusing whether copies, copies-de=
and copies-supported are 1 or 3 attributes... I'd say 3 but really just=

different names for the same attribute when it is either supplied, defa=
ulted or
queried. So, we could just say "The xxx-default" value describes... (th=
default)...". Anyway, I'm sure you've all been through these discussion=
s and
it's too late for this round. I think I'm getting it! I'll dig deeper b=
efore I
ask another question.

Harry Lewis - IBM Printing Systems

----- Forwarded by Harry Lewis/Boulder/IBM on 12/10/97 10:56 PM -----

ipp-owner@pwg.org on 12/10/97 06:24:16 PM
Please respond to ipp-owner@pwg.org @ internet
To: ipp@pwg.org @ internet, SISAACSON@novell.com @ internet
Subject: IPP> Directory Schema attribute question

This is either a nit or a misunderstanding on my part. Appx E of the Mo=
del doc
lists attributes to be included in a directory schema (great idea!) but=
not always refer exactly to the same name. Example finishings-supported=
finishings in section 4.2.6. Is this a lingering editorial, or am I com=
missing the boat somewhere on attribute names?

Harry Lewis - IBM Printing Systems