IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP> Additional proposal details [why

Re: IPP> Additional proposal details [why

Tom Hastings (hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Wed, 7 Jan 1998 11:32:36 PST

At 06:51 01/07/1998 PST, Roger K Debry wrote:


On a get-jobs request to a printer-uri, the
"containing-printer-uri" attribute returned
for each job would be implementation-specific.
It would either be the "printer-URI" (non-TLS)
for the printer, or it could be a redirected
TLS URI. This needs to be implementation-specific
so as to allow servers to decide how job-
specific information is displayed for a
particular client.

<RKD> Sorry, but I'm totally confused here. I
<RKD> guess I missed it when "containing-
<RKD> printer-uri" slipped into the specification.
<RKD> Why do I ask a printer to tell me what jobs
<RKD> are queued on it, and expect every job to
<RKD> come back telling me what printer it is
<RKD> queued on???

TH> If a client only has a job URI, but not the Printer URI that goes
TH> with the job, then the "containing-printer-uri"
TH> job attribute allows such a client to find out about the printer
TH> which contains the job. (Its like an up level pointer, if you
TH> think of the Printer object containing Job objects as a two-level
TH> tree of objects.)