IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP> Notifications

Re: IPP> Notifications

Carl Kugler (kugler@us.ibm.com)
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 19:12:58 -0500

Persistent connections are really the domain of the HTTP transport laye=
r, not

But anyway, I was thinking of polling intervals of around 30 seconds. =
At that
rate, maintaining a connection for the lifetime of the job is probably =
than tearing down and re-establishing a connection for each poll. HTTP=
are free to close connections any time, so if the server is running low=
memory it can close idle connections at will. If the server has the re=
to keep the connection open, then the client shouldn't close it unless =
client will not be using the server again for at least a minute, since =
and then reopening adds computational overhead to the server, adds roun=
d trip
delays, results in more network traffic from overhead (SYN, ACK, FIN) t=
payload data, and consumes server resources with closed connections in


HTTP Connection Management:

The Case for Persistent-Connection HTTP:


ipp-owner@pwg.org on 02/05/98 01:10:31 PM
Please respond to ipp-owner@pwg.org @ internet
To: ipp@pwg.org @ internet
Subject: Re: IPP> Notifications

> Anyway, polling might not be elegant, but I think it can do the job. =
> HTTP/1.1, the client will be polling over a persistant connection,
> <RKD> So you assume that we would keep a connection open until
> <RKD> a print job is completed and a notification provided? I
> <RKD> don't know if I'd agree that this is a good idea.

I agree with Roger. Maintaining a connection for the lifetime
of the job will not scale very well in large environments.

Maintaining a constant connection might be ok for the "Internet fax
printer" scenario, but it just won't fly in the enterprise.


-- JK Martin | Email: jkm@underscore.com --
-- Underscore, Inc. | Voice: (603) 889-7000 --
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