IPP Mail Archive: IPP> Corrected ABNF

IPP> Corrected ABNF

From: Bergman, Ron (Ron.Bergman@Hitachi-hkis.com)
Date: Tue May 15 2001 - 12:22:06 EDT

  • Next message: Hastings, Tom N: "IPP> RE: Revised ABNF per Monday's Phone Conference"

    One minor problem in the previous email. The "-" should be an "x" between
    the two dimension entries. Here is the corrected version of the two
    incorrect lines.

    media-size-self-describing-name =
              ( class1 "_" size-name "_" short-dim "x" long-dim "in" ) |
              ( class2 "_" size-name "_" short-dim "x" long-dim "mm" )


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