P1394 Mail Archive: P1394> Length of Meetings

P1394> Length of Meetings

Brian Batchelder (brianb@vcd.hp.com)
Wed, 14 Oct 1998 07:35:39 -0700

I am concerned with the shift to one day meetings for the 1394 PWG effort. We used up all of two days at the last meeting with what I thought were mostly important presentations and discussions. Those discussions caused an evolution in my understanding of our challenges and solutions. We still have open issues. Further work is required. Due to the nature of our "real" jobs, most work seems to occur during the meetings. I don't see that we can move to 1 day at this time, and still be able to quickly reach a viable standard. I propose that we return to 2 day meetings and keep them focused on the remaining issues so that we can finish as soon as possible. Besides, I JUST LOVE the Marriott...


Brian Batchelder | Hewlett-Packard | mailto:brianb@vcd.hp.com
Connectivity Futurist | 1115 SE 164th Ave. | Phone: (360) 212-4107
DeskJet Printers | Vancouver, WA 98684 | Fax: (360) 212-4227