PMP Mail Archive: Re: PMP> Top 20 Chart Comments

Re: PMP> Top 20 Chart Comments

JK Martin (
Fri, 21 Feb 1997 20:57:08 -0500 (EST)

After carefully reviewing Chuck's proposed table, I think we now have a
reasonably complete proposal to pounce on. Very nice work, Chuck!

One condition that should be added is the simple case of "Warming up"
when coming out of Standby/Power-Saver Mode. The special case of
"Initial Power Up" is covered ok, but the simple "Warming up" condition
is likely to be seen much more often. I'd like to propose that this
condition be defined to mirror the definition of "Standby or Power Saver
Mode", with the exception that the hrPrinterStatus is defined as
"warmup (5)" rather than "other (3)"; all other definitions remain the same.

Is this acceptable to one and all? (I have included a text-ohly *wide"
entry for this condition and the end of this message.)

Again, Chuck's proposed definitions look fine to us. However, as I
mentioned at the interop test event, Underscore does not really care
what the values are...just as long as all agent implementors conform
to these definitions in shipping products. As such, we're counting on
the printer vendors to negotiate the final values.


-- JK Martin | Email: --
-- Underscore, Inc. | Voice: (603) 889-7000 --
-- 41C Sagamore Park Road | Fax: (603) 889-2699 --
-- Hudson, NH 03015-4915 | Web: --

| | | Group Status
| General Printer Status | prtAlertTable | (PrtSubUnitStatusTC)
Printer | hrDevice | hrPrinter | Detected | | |
State | Status | Status | ErrorState | prtAlertGroup | prtAlertCode |
| | | | | |
Warming up (coming | | | | | | all groups are:
out of Standby or | running (2) | warmup (5) | (0x0) | (empty table) | (empty table) | Standby (2)
Power Saver Mode) | | | | | |