PWG-ANNOUNCE> October PWG Meeting in Boston

Date: Wed Aug 30 2000 - 17:16:55 EDT

For a variety of reasons, the October PWG Meeting will be an abbreviated one:

1) The IPP bake-off is the week before and will not be meeting in Boston
2) The uPnP group looks like they will meeting in Roseville on October 11th and

As such, there are two potential working groups that will meet in Boston:

1) Qualdocs
2) UPDF Fonts

At this time, Qualdocs is "iffy" but the UPDF Fonts group is a go.

The Multifunctional Peripherals Association has their conference in Boston that
week (Monday - Wednesday) and we will coordinate around that conference.
Considering the overlap between fax and the MFPA, I would like to hold the
Qualdocs meeting on Thursday and the UPDF Fonts meeting on Friday unless
Qualdocs becomes a firm no-go in which case we'll have UPDF Fonts on Thursday.

Norbert, Paul M.: Are you OK with this plan?

* Don Wright *
* Chair, Printer Working Group *
* Chair, IEEE MSC *
* *
* Director, Strategic & Technical Alliances *
* Lexmark International *
* 740 New Circle Rd *
* Lexington, Ky 40550 *
* 859-232-4808 (phone) 859-232-6740 (fax) *
* (Former area code until 10/1 was 606) *

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