PWG-ANNOUNCE> PWG 2003 Schedule

From: Harry Lewis (
Date: Wed Oct 23 2002 - 19:29:09 EDT

We thought we'd nailed the 2003 schedule several times but there are some

1. We originally had our December meeting on the week of 12/8/2003 but, in
the latest minutes it moved to 12/01. Not sure if this is a typo.
Nonetheless, there are only 3 days between Thanksgiving and 12/01/2003 so
I recommend we move it back to the original 12/8.

2. We flagged in Santa Fe that our 2003 April date (4/21) is too close to
Easter (4/20). So we need to move this date. My first suggestion is April
28 (same location - D.C.).

3. There is an effort to coordinate, if possible, with the PODi schedule.
I doubt we could match entirely but it would be nice to try and align at
least once in the year. March 2 is the most likely target.

As a reminder, (including changes 1 and 2, above) our 2003 plan would look
like this.

Jan 20 - Maui
 April 28 - D.C.
 July 14 - Vancouver B.C.
 Oct 6 - N.Y.C.
 Dec 8 - Provo UT (hosted by Novell).
Harry Lewis
IBM Printing Systems

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