PWG-ANNOUNCE> Free XML Schema Validator (XSV 2.5)

From: McDonald, Ira (
Date: Fri Jul 25 2003 - 15:04:16 EDT


[worth adding to your bag of local XML tools]

I've found this free command-line XML Schema Validator
to be very useful. It's co-written by Henry Thompson
(W3C staff) and the project is hosted at University of
Edinburgh (Scotland).

The latest version is 2.5. I've been using a much
older version 1.4 with excellent results for several

The durable link for status of the LATEST version is:

This latest status document always contains info on
how to download the Win32 self-installing package
(v2.5 is about 1.3MB). There are also sources and
binaries for Linux and other platforms, as well.

- Ira McDonald
  High North Inc

[excerpt from XSV status page]

1. What is XSV
XSV (XML Schema Validator) is an open source (GPLed) work-in-progress
attempt at a conformant schema-aware processor, as defined by XML Schema
Part 1: Structures, May 2, 2001 (REC) version. It has been developed at the
Language Technology Group of the Human Communication Research Centre in the
Division of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, with support for one
of us (Thompson) from the World Wide Web Consortium.

2. How can I use XSV

2.1. Using XSV online
The simplest way to use XSV is via a form-based interface on the web. Nota
bene, the current version is experimental, it involves a major restructuring
of the code, and a number of fixes/increases in coverage, including some new
command-line facilities, particularly the ability to force the top-level
element to have a particular name and/or type. I intend to make this the
main branch going forward -- please let me know of anything that breaks that
used to work.

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