
PWG Formal Approval commencement for MFD Scan Requirements – Voting ends Friday July 11, 2008

On June 19, 2008 the PWG Steering Committee approved MFD working group Last Call exit for the Network Scan Service Use Case and Requirements document. Our process requires that requirements be treated as a formal document to assure that we have widespread agreement on the direction of a new working group effort. At the request of the MFD working group Chairman, Peter Zehler – Xerox, and according to my duties as Secretary of the PWG, I hereby initiate Formal Approval by vote of the PWG membership. The voting period will open on Monday June 16 and close at 10PM (Pacific Time) on Friday July 11, 2008.

Valid votes are: Yes, No, No (with strong objection), Abstain.

Any No vote requires that the voter state the reason for the No vote and a description of the changes required for turning the No vote to a Yes.

Representatives from PWG member companies are strongly encouraged to submit a vote.

To cast a vote, please send an email with the following subject line format:

"MFD Scan Req Formal Vote-<company name>-<last name of voter>-<yes/no/abstain>"

Example: MFD Scan Req Formal Vote-InfoPrint-lewis-yes

No votes MUST contain a reason in the body of the email.

Please send your vote to the following email addresses:
(Replacing "dot" with . and "at" with @):


The Last Call version of the Requirements Document (.doc, and rev.pdf/doc are also available):
The resolution of the Last Call comments (.doc, and rev.pdf/doc are also available):

Harry Lewis - PWG Secretary

Harry Lewis

Program Manager - Intellectual Property & Open Standards
Phone: 303-924-5337
e-mail: harryl@us.ibm.com


Think before you print