PWG-IPP Mail Archive: PWG-IPP> ADM - Regarding voting on doc

PWG-IPP> ADM - Regarding voting on documents for PWG standards track

From: Manros, Carl-Uno B (
Date: Tue Jan 23 2001 - 13:21:03 EST

  • Next message: Manros, Carl-Uno B: "PWG-IPP> ADM - Status of IPP Documents"


    I just got the voting results back from IEEE-ISTO on the three documents
    that we have had out for voting.

    Only 7 PWG member companies voted.

    Out of the votes there was only one negative vote from Michael Sweet at Easy
    Software, who had some objections to the

            Internet Printing Protocol (IPP): Override Attributes for Documents
    and Pages

    document. After some discussions with Michael, he has suggested to label
    that document
    as EXPERIMENTAL, similarly to how IPP/1.0 RFCs were labeled in the IETF.

    According to the PWG rules, we don't seem to have such a category, but I
    herewith suggest
    that we introduce such a category. I hope that Don Wright can take you
    through the steps
    to make such a change.

    It seems that the remaining two documents should be published as PWG Draft
    which seems to best match their current document status, and would put them
    on the same
    level as the IPP/1.1 RFCs.

            Internet Printing Protocol (IPP): "output-bin" attribute extension
            Internet Printing Protocol (IPP): "finishings" attribute values

    I hope that you can reach agreements on this in the upcoming PWG meeting
    this week.


    Carl-Uno Manros
    Manager, Print Services
    Xerox Architecture Center - Xerox Corporation
    701 S. Aviation Blvd., El Segundo, CA, M/S: ESAE-231
    Phone +1-310-333 8273, Fax +1-310-333 5514

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