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Sep 25, 2018 by Smith Kennedy
Feb 5, 2020 by Michael Sweet
Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
PWG 5100.16-2013: IPP Transaction-Based Printing Extensions
Section 3.1: "1. Use existing the existing specfications..." should be "1. Use existing specifications..."
Michael Sweet

Smith Kennedy Sep 25, 2018

Section 3.1 says:

3.1 Rationale for IPP Transaction-Based Printing Extensions
Given the following existing specifications and the need for a standard method
supporting Transaction-Based Printing without vendor-specific driver software, the IP
Transaction-Based Printing Extensions specification should:
1. Use existing the existing IPP specfications to support job submission to and monitoring of Paid Imaging Services...

Item #1 should rather read:

"1. Use existing IPP specifications"

to remove the redundant "existing" and fix the spelling of "specifications".