IDS> Reminder: IDS Conference Call, Thursday June 5, 1:00 PM EDT

IDS> Reminder: IDS Conference Call, Thursday June 5, 1:00 PM EDT

Ron.Bergman at Ron.Bergman at
Tue Jun 3 19:39:08 EDT 2008

There will be an IDS conference call at 1:00 PM EDT (10:00 AM PDT) this

The toll free number for the call is:  1-866-365-4406
The passcode is:  2635888#


1. Identify minutes taker.
2. Approve minutes from May  8, teleconference.
3. Review action items.
4. Microsoft team discussion.
5. NEA team discussion.
6. Do we need to define any PWG printer attributes, parameters, values,
7. Begin draft?
8. Next teleconference (June 18)

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