IPP Mail Archive: IPP> Re: NOT - Is SNMPv3 suitable for IPP Notifications?

IPP> Re: NOT - Is SNMPv3 suitable for IPP Notifications?

Ira Mcdonald x10962 (imcdonal@eso.mc.xerox.com)
Mon, 23 Mar 1998 18:30:49 PST

Hi Randy, Harry, Paul, Jay, et al,

I concede all points. I got dragooned into stating my technical
objections to the scalability of the SNMPv3 trap registration
mechanisms. The discussion has wandered off completely into
the merits of the SNMPv3 protocol itself, which is irrelevant.

I never wanted to start this thread. I hereby withdraw from
it. I'll watch with interest what you folks decide on.

- Ira McDonald (High North)

PS - In a few weeks, my wife Nancy and I fly off to Scotland
for five weeks of walking and visiting gardens (MUCH more
rewarding than computer industry standards work). We'll be
back on our farm in Grand Marais, Michigan around Wednesday
(20 May). Good luck with the IESG on IPP/1.0.