IPP Mail Archive: IPP> MOD - Updated MIB Access paper posted, V0.3

IPP> MOD - Updated MIB Access paper posted, V0.3

Tom Hastings (hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Wed, 6 May 1998 01:45:36 PDT

Scott, Bob, Kris, and I finished the collaboration on the MIB access using
IPP. We incorporated the agreements from last week's telecon.
We'd like to present it at the telecon today, 10-12 PDT (1-3 EDT).
There are a few minor issues highlighted in yellow.

Its available at:

Please use the last one for the telecon.

Here is the abstract:

IPP Device and MIB access
Version 0.03


This document introduces a new Device object into the IPP object model. An
IPP Printer object may support one or more Device objects which each
represent a physical device as shown in the Internet Printing Protocol/1.0:
Model and Semantics specification. This document provides read access to
such Device objects by defining a mapping from table entries in the Printer
MIB to new algorithmically generated attribute names. New algorithmically
generated attribute group names allow convenient read-only access to any
row, any column, and any entire table in the Printer MIB, as well as the
entire Printer MIB. A general algorithmically generated attribute name
provides access to any single SNMP object in any MIB. These new attribute
names and attribute group names are supplied in the "requested-attributes"
Operation attribute of the current Get-Printer-Attributes operation. A new
OPTIONAL "which-device" Operation attribute permits the requester to select
a particular device for the case where an IPP Printer object is supporting
more than one device.