PMP Mail Archive: PMP> DESCRIPTION error in prtLocalizationL

PMP> DESCRIPTION error in prtLocalizationLanguage in Printer MIB v2

From: McDonald, Ira (
Date: Thu Dec 28 2000 - 14:56:51 EST

  • Next message: McDonald, Ira: "PMP> TECHNICAL error in prtLocalizationLanguage in Printer MIB v2 [siz e is wrong]"

    Hi folks,

    An editorial fix for the RFC Editor stage on Printer MIB v2.

    The DESCRIPTION clause of 'prtLocalizationLanguage' lists
    'gb' (Great Britain) as an example of an ISO 639 two character
    language code. This is WRONG. The 'gb' example (as capitalized
    'GB') belongs in the following object 'prtLocalizationCountry'
    as an example of an ISO 3166 country code. The language (for
    both countries 'US' and 'GB') is English 'en'.

    - Ira McDonald, consulting architect at Sharp and Xerox
      High North Inc

    PS - The above error ALSO occurs in Printer MIB v1 (RFC 1759).

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Thu Dec 28 2000 - 14:57:32 EST