UPD Mail Archive: UPD> Compressions

UPD> Compressions

From: Jim Sommer (jsommer@bellatlantic.net)
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 19:14:43 EDT

  • Next message: Jim Sommer: "Re: UPD> color handling for experts"

    I would like to propose the following initial list of compressions for
    raster objects:

    PCL5 - the compression methods as defined by the PCL5 spec (uncompressed,
    RLE, TIFF, delta row, adaptive)
    PCL6 - the compression methods as defined by the PCL6 level 1.1 spec
    (uncompressed, RLE)
    PCL6_JPEG - the JPEG compression method as defined by the PCL6 level 2.0 spec
    PCL6_DELTAROW - the delta row compression method as defined by the PCL6
    level 2.1 spec
    PS - the compression methods as defined by the PostScript level 2 spec
    (uncompressed, RLE, JPEG)
    PS_LZW - the LZW compression method as defined by the PostScript level 2 spec
    PS_FLATE - the Flate compression method as defined by the PostScript level
    3 spec
    JPEG - standard JPEG compression in JFIF format
    JBIG2 - standard JBIG2 compression
    FAX_G3 - CCITT Group 3 fax compression
    FAX_G4 - CCITT Group 4 fax compression

    If anyone knows of any other compression methods that are commonly used by
    printers we can certainly add them.



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