IPP> MOD - simplified legal state transition diagram

IPP> MOD - simplified legal state transition diagram

Tom Hastings hastings at cp10.es.xerox.com
Wed May 21 10:29:32 EDT 1997

So the simplified legal state transition diagram for IPP and JMP would become,
following Bob's proposal:

                New state
Old state       unknown(2)  pending(3)  processing(4) canceled(5) completed(6)
unknown(2)                  yes         yes
pending(3)                              yes           yes
processing(4)               yes                       yes         yes
canceled(5)     yes
completed(6)    yes

A blank entry indicates impossible transitions.  Self loops are not
indicated, such as a Get-Attributes operation on a job, since they aren't
a job state transition.

For IPP we need to consider which job states and job state transtions are
required for conformance and which are optional.

JMP requires that processing(4), canceled(5), and completed(6) are
mandatory, so that pending(3) is optional.  What about unknown(2)?
The former needsAttention state was also mandatory, so that the 
new job-state reason: printer-stopped, should become a mandator job state
reason, correct?

For IPP and JMP, all transitions into the canceled state should be required.
However, the transition from processing back to pending (a job-held situation)
is optional.

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