PMP> Interoperability Test Results Meeting in February

PMP> Interoperability Test Results Meeting in February

JK Martin jkm at
Thu Jan 16 13:30:00 EST 1997


> I do not think a Wednesday afternoon general PMP meeting will 
> work because completing the interoperability testing is number 
> one priority. If we are not done by Wednesday noon then the 
> interoperability testing will continue until it is complete 
> or Stardust Labs throws us out of their area whichever occurs
> first. If interoperability testing is still going on, all printer 
> vendors will be involved with that and not able to attend any 
> general PMP meeting. A general PMP meeting without the printer 
> vendors is not very interesting to me.

You paint a pretty bleak picture here, my friend.

For one thing, we have yet to nail down any kind of precise test plan
(other than what I had already submitted way back in November, dealing
only with the Alert Table), so it's a bit premature to assume how long
it will take to perform whatever tests are defined.

In other words, I believe we can accomplish considerable interop
testing in 2.5 days.  On the other hand, I can also see us taking
2.5 YEARS if we try to perform all possible pertubations of the data
model.  I don't think we will be trying to do that...will we?

Let me say this.  Interop testing without a debrief meeting to discuss
results, resolve issues and provide clarifications is POINTLESS.

Unless, of course, all we are trying to do is a "check off" of the
IETF rule for having an Interop Test in the first place.

So, exactly what is our goal for this testing?


--  JK Martin               |  Email:   jkm at          --
--  Underscore, Inc.        |  Voice:   (603) 889-7000              --
--  41C Sagamore Park Road  |  Fax:     (603) 889-2699              --
--  Hudson, NH 03015-4915   |  Web:   --

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