PMP> FEb-18-ConfCall minutes

PMP> FEb-18-ConfCall minutes

Harry Lewis harryl at
Tue Feb 18 18:51:29 EST 1997

I posted a text only version of the minutes as appended below: (feb18cal.txt)

Minutes of the Feb-18-1997 conference call on Stardust Interoperability
test results:

Present: Jay Martin
         Bob Pentecost
         Lloyd Young/Evan/Matt
         Gail Songer
         Ron Bergman
         Peter Zeller
         Stuart Rawley
         Chuck Adams
         Harry Lewis

Review of MIB WALK

 hrDeviceID - 2 of 6 vendors returned 0.0 rather than a device OID from the
 private enterprise. Jay emphasized that, if drivers are to self configure
 based on the SNMP information, the hrDeviceID needs to be unique to the
 printer model. One way to think of it is if a different PPD (Postscript)
 file would be required than the device should have a different OID. OID's
 should not be so granular as to represent configurations which can be
 discerned from the Printer MIB itself, such as how many input trays are

 hrDeviceDesc - Serial and Parallel are considered optional interfaces
 since the Printer MIB is largely network oriented. 1 or 6 vendors
 described their Serial and Parallel interfaces.

 hrDeviceStatus - One vendor indicated "down" because the interface "slot"
 existed (and presumably was pre-configured for a particular NIC card)
 but the card was not installed. Matt will clarify that subunit status
 for hrDeviceStatus should not indicate down if the interface is not

 hrDevice - Do we need a table for storage if we have a disk? Only one
 vendor tested with a hard disk installed. Can the storage table be
 indexed to the printer or should it be indexed to a separate device
 (storage) type? Unresolved. Perhaps vendors should retest, individually,
 and report what they do for HDD?

 hrPrinterDetectedErrorState - One vendor appears to have reported 4
 bytes while the rest reported 1 byte. One vendor used a different tool
 however. Vendors should individually determine if they send 1 or 4 bytes.

 hrSystemDate - Wide differences. No realtime clock. Not useful. Two
 printers have exact same value for hrSystemDate and hrInitialLoadParms.
 One vendor's value is nontrivial. Unexplained.

 hrSysUpTime - Half did it. System group has sysUpTime. Used by applications
 to correlate Power Recycles with config change counter.

 prtChannelCurrentJobCntLangIndex and prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex -
 Since these are indices (not enums), what if you don't have a current
 job control language (possible) or a default PDL (hard to imagine).
 Matt will clarify that (0) means don't have.

 prtChannelIfIndex - Most implementations can't distinguish between
 two NICs in terms of ifIndex. At least one printer can. It was decided
 to accept this and let it pass. It's not clear if printers that don't
 distinguish NICs with separate indexes actually report only the services
 for one NIC or if they lump all the services together.

 prtChannelStatus - Some of the definitions for subUnitStatus are pretty
 ambiguous... like Idle vs Standby and Active vs Busy. Some printers assume
 different Available or Unavailable states under, otherwise, similar conditions.
 Chuck will try to clarify. One option is to indicate 0, 4 and 6 are all
 acceptable states when the printer is Available.

 prtGeneralConfigChanges - Wide variance here. Need more examples. What
 actually constitutes a config change? Matt to clarify.

 prtInputStatus - Wide variance (if taken at face value). What if the
 Input subUnit is available but the whole printer is in standby? In general,
 subUnit status is part of the Alert top 25 project and this topic should
 be addressed in a separate call.

 Next call will take up with prtInputDefaultCharSet.

Harry Lewis - IBM Printing Systems

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