IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP>PRO - Print by reference

Re: IPP>PRO - Print by reference

Scott Lawrence (lawrence@agranat.com)
Thu, 29 May 1997 15:34:21 -0400

>>>>> "RKD" == Roger K Debry <rdebry@us.ibm.com> writes:

RKD> They want to make these accessible to anyone
RKD> within their organization (no security requirements).
RKD> [...] The printer gets the file and prints it.

RKD> [...]
RKD> The two conditions required are that the document be in a
RKD> standard printable format and that the document be publicaly
RKD> available.

It doesn't seem to me that the exemption from ordinary security is
really required. It is quite possible to give printers or print
servers identities in order to support authentication and
authorization functions; the document repository can then just
decide whether or not a given document can be printed on the
authority of a given printer (that is, the printer has access rights
just as a user does).

Granted, one would want to look at how secure the printer is before
assigning it much access, but that is an issue for those using this
model, not for the protocol.

While I agree that the protocol should define the mechanism for the
sort of print by reference you describe, I don't think that it
should be a required part (that is it is a feature that may or may
not be available from a conforming IPP server).

Scott Lawrence           EmWeb Embedded Server       <lawrence@agranat.com>
Agranat Systems, Inc.        Engineering            http://www.agranat.com/