IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP> create job IPP operation

Re: IPP> create job IPP operation

Tom Hastings (hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Wed, 18 Jun 1997 14:45:08 PDT

At 01:04 06/18/97 PDT, Scott Isaacson wrote:
>>>> Randy Turner <rturner@sharplabs.com> 06/12/97 06:10PM >>>
>> In our current document we have a CREATE-JOB operation that specifies up
>> front
>> how many documents we have. Is this an unrealistic requirement for
>> future IPP
>> clients (or drivers) ? Will they always know how many documents are
>>coming when
>>they first do the CREATE-JOB?
>The model document shows this (number-of-documents) as an optional attribute
>the Create. If it is there, it better be correct. If not, it is up to the
>to handle as many Documents as might be thrown its way (I claim that it
>might fail
>after some N+1 documents). Why include it at all if it is optional? It
>might help some
>implementations with resource management.

In order to avoid another error condition and a requirement for the
server to check for the proper number of documents, lets delete the
"number-of-documents" input parameter.

However, we still need a read-only job attribute that the IPP server
SHALL increment by 1 with each Send-Document operation.

If we can't agree to delete the "number-of-documents" input parameter
from Create-Job, then lets at least change the name to something like:
"expected-number-of-documents", so that it is not confused with the
read-only "number-of-documents" job status attribute which the IPP printer
increments as each Send-Document is received. But I don't see the
need for such an input-parameter. Lets wait to see if implementations
find a need for such an input-parameter and it can be registered later.


>As other mail has indicated, we need a flag in the Send-Document
>that says this is the last document.

Also from the PRO disussion yesterday, a requester must be able to
issue a Send-Document with no document data and just the flag set
to TRUE, since the requester might not have know that it was the
last document when the requester did the Send-Document with the data.

This flag is both an input-parameter of the Send-Document operation
that also sets the corresponding job attribute of the same name.

Randy's protocol document had the input parameter named as an imperitive verb:
"end-document-stream", but that isn't such a good name for the
corresonding job attribute. How about the ISO DPA name:
"job-submission-complete" for both the input parameter and the read-only
job status attribute.

