PMP Mail Archive: Re: PMP> Printer MIB questions from the field

Re: PMP> Printer MIB questions from the field

Bill Wagner (
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:35:02 -0500


Just one note on your excellent summary. Relative to your statement:

Specifically, the Printer MIB calls out support for the hrSystem Group
(although recent interoperability testing has shown this to be of
little use to printers), hrStorage Group and hrDevice Group.

As far as I can ascertain, RFC1759 does not call out support for the
hrSystem group (other than saying that this group, along with Running Software,
etc. can be implemented at the discression of the manufacturer). Perhaps the
conclusion of the interopability testing just confirms what was considerd in
the printer MIB originally.

Bill Wagner, DPI