XP> XHTML-Print stuck in CSS mud?

From: Grant, Melinda (melinda.grant@hp.com)
Date: Tue Mar 28 2006 - 13:33:23 EST

  • Next message: Grant, Melinda: "XP> W3C update on XHTML-Print and CSS Print"

    We've hit a snag with respect to advancement of XHTML-Print to W3C
    In essence, the problem is that the CSS specification, which we depend
    on, is still in flux.
    The W3C process allows a document to reference other W3 documents of
    similar or more mature status, but not less mature documents. More
    specifically, a document may reference another document one step earlier
    in the standardization process, but no more.
    XHTML-Print references CSS Print, which in turn references both CSS 2.1
    and CSS3 Paged Media. CSS 2.1 has regressed to Last Call Working Draft
    (LCWD) and Paged Media is a Candidate Recommendation (CR). We (the HTML
    WG) knew CSS 2.1 was an issue, and tried to work around that issue by
    removing all references to CSS 2.1 last week. However, some of the
    final reviewers are still concerned about the indirect dependency (since
    XHTML-Print requires CSS Print, which in turn requires CSS 2.1).
    I'll know more on Wednesday, but I don't think we will be transitioning
    to REC tomorrow as planned. We may either have to do more work to
    remove the CSS dependency from XHTML-Print, or wait for CSS 2.1 to move

    HP - Melinda Grant
    Connectivity Standards
    Consumer Printing and Imaging
    +1 (541) 582-3681


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