IDS> Oct Face-to-face Action Items -- overlooked?

IDS> Oct Face-to-face Action Items -- overlooked?

Randy Turner rturner at
Thu Nov 13 16:14:51 EST 2008

Hi Lee,

The "find other contacts" action item was the action item I was  
addressing at today's meeting.  To summarize from the discussion  
earlier today, I think Symantec and Microsoft are willing to discuss  
NEA/TNC potential rollouts.  I have "feelers" out to Cisco and Juniper  
as well and am waiting for a follow-up discussion.  I will try and  
contact one or more of these folks at the IETF Plenary in Minneapolis.


On Nov 13, 2008, at 11:53 AM, Farrell, Lee wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> After our teleconference today, I noted from the October face-to- 
> face Minutes that a few Action Items had not been transferred to the  
> November 6 teleconference Minutes -- and may have "slipped through  
> the cracks."  It appears that some of the items about Microsoft may  
> have been enveloped in Dave's current set of questions to Microsoft  
> in one of his Action Items, but I'm not sure that they all were.
> Also, I noted that the first Action Item (Randy's) that we discussed  
> today had been CLOSED at that meeting. Today we identified it as  
> "ongoing", but I wonder if the third Action Item below might be the  
> more appropriate one to reference instead.
> For future discussion and resolution, the items are:
> ACTION:   Ron Bergman will send an email to Mike Fenelon and Jerry  
> Thrasher to query the issue about how to get NAP attributes  
> registered with Microsoft.
> ACTION:   Dave Whitehead will attempt to obtain answers from  
> Microsoft to the following questions:
>       •   Because there are multiple assessment protocols, is it  
> conceivable that multiple assessment protocols run simultaneously— 
> with each requiring independent (i.e., redundant) assessment?
>         •   How does Microsoft envision the process for remediation?
>         •   Does Microsoft have any plans for a gateway between NAP  
> and NEA?
> ACTION: Randy Turner will try to find other contacts that would be  
> willing to work with the PWG to help deploy NEA health assessment.  
> (Juniper, Symantec, Cisco are suggested candidates.) Is someone  
> willing to sit down with the PWG and “have discussions”?
> lee
> ===========================
> Lee Farrell
> Canon Development Americas
> 15975 Alton Parkway
> Irvine, CA 92618-3731
> (949) 932-3163 - voice
> (949) 932-3520 - fax
> lee.farrell at
> ===========================

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